An Interview can make or break the chances of you securing the job offer and its not everyday that we get to be interviewed for our dream job. But chances are if you are here watching this video then you are one of those lucky candidates who has got this opportunity.
Now the first mistake to avoid in any job interview is – Not Being on Time : Now I cannot emphasise enough on this point because it will always be less. This one point can actually dictate your entire interview. Being on time is the first impression to showcase your dedication and your enthusiasm towards work. No matter if you are going for an online interview or an offline interview, you must plan things ahead of time. let’s say, you are going for an offline interview and you are going to meet your employer in person then you must anticipate traffic and plan things accordingly. Similarly, in the case of an online interview. Yes, thanks to the pandemic some of us are still working from home. Now in this case, there’s not a lot of preparation that is required to be done but still there’s some work that is supposed to be done before the interview. You must check your wifi connection before you interview, you must make sure that you have your web-camera in place, you must have your proper setup prior to the interview deadline and you will be good to go.
Always remember time is very precious so you must utilize every second of it. So let’s move on to the second mistake now.
The second mistake to avoid in any interview is – Not Doing Enough Research. Yes, you could make it to the interview. Now what? Most of the time, the candidates make the mistake of talking too much about themselves and too less about the job role. Always remember, whenever you are going for an interview, the employer expects that you must have read the job description, you must have read about the company’s mission, its future prospects, its culture and all of these things. If you have no idea about any of it then it clearly shows that you are not enthusiastic enough to work in that job role and that clearly makes you an unfit candidate for that work. So always do enough research before going for an interview. Not only will it help you to give an edge over competitors but also gathering enough information can help you to discuss some topics and raise appropriate questions during the time of your interview.
So now let’s move on to the third mistake.
Now the third mistake to avoid in any interview is Not Dressing Appropriately. Now.what do I mean by that? Guys, we all know that we humans take cues from the exterior world to evaluate a person or a situation and here, physical appearance plays a paramount role in creating an everlasting impression. And the power of dressing is no new concept but if you do it wrong, it can make you go from feeling empowered to powerless in a jiffy. So always be very meticulous and precise with the choice of your clothes. choose an attire that’s formal but also exudes a sense of your personality. But also remember that different industries have different expectations from the dress code of their candidates. For example, if you are going in a law firm then they expect the candidate to be wearing a suit.However, if you are going in a creative agency, maybe an event company or maybe an advertising company then maybe a formal shirt and plazo could do the job for a girl. But in any case, being well groomed, neat and tidy is always required. Now let’s move on to the 4th mistake.
The fourth mistake to avoid in any interview is Not Being Clear and Concise – We all have a very limited time during an interview to keep our best foot forward. So we must use it at our advantage by being spot on and vivid with your answers. Always remember that saying too much can be as devastating as staying mum. So be very sure about what you want to share and what you can weed out.While of course you would want to impress your employer with your success stories you don’t want to give them a blow by blow description of every little detail.
So, to avoid that, do some preparation of basic questions well in advance and you would be good to go.Now let’s move on to the 5th and the final point.
Now the fifth mistake to avoid in any job interview is Not Following Up – While this is a very important point to be considered you must barge your way very tactfully with this. Sending a general reminder wouldn’t do any harm but don’t overdo it unless you wanna come off very desperate, A small simple message within 24hrs of your interview for feedback would be good enough.
So that’s about it guys and by avoiding these mistakes and staying true to yourself you can increase the chances of you securing the job offer.
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