5 Step guide to getting best global talent – Shrofile
With the internet it’s like the boundaries have faded and everything is available everywhere. So why not talent? It’s like the best cocoa comes from Ghana and if your baking can be made exquisite with that cocoa powder why not source it? Similarly for a passion project why limit resources to boundaries? Here are 5 steps to keep in mind when hiring people from a different country:
Significance of short introduction in Interviews
Before we start, let me ask you a question. What is an interview?
A procedure for selection of a candidate! A method to test the ability of a person! Or both?
The first thing to understand here is the purpose of an interview. Interviews are not just limited to finding a suitable employee but an overall package to fit into the company environment.
Why the world should know you?
Who are you? Where do you come from?What’s your identity?
There is nothing special about these questions. They are some day to day questions put up by people when meeting for the first time.
Personality Development: Why should you focus on self-improvement?
A person’s personality is an amalgam of her/his behaviour, characteristics, feelings, attitude towards life and others. It is rightly said that you become what you see, read, and follow. It’s a trait that develops with age and makes you into who you are.
Personal Brand Matters?
Branding! By the word only you can make out what worth does it keep to represent or be a brand.
Importance of having a video presence on the Internet
We are humans. A well-developed class of social animals!
And today, in this world of Internet, where social existence has become too important for business and networking, your online presence stands as important as anyone else’s! Isn’t it?
Videos – the new way of self expression – by Shrofile
We have always liked to see people talk and express. That is how we make friends, form work-groups, select team-members and choose who we want to connect with. It gives us a better sense into who people are – their choices, preferences, though process, communication and body language. We can find so much about people by just taking a glance at them and talking to them for a few seconds.
The Power of Video Profiles – Shrofile.com
In the process of aspiring for a job have you ever felt , “I could have proved I’m a great fit if I was given a chance to express myself in the interview?” Shrofile gives every professional the power to express more about their personality in an effective manner.